SustainNet Consulting is a business consultancy for sustainability.
We support businesses in creating sustainable value chains.Sustainable Value Creation
Sustainability in businesses is more than a trend. The topics Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) have become firmly established in the economy, at consumers, at investors and in the public dialogue. They change the economic system on a long-term basis. Future growth will be generated based on a new combination of economic, ecologic and social value-add (triple bottom line). Fair and sustainable business activity will become a strategic determinant for companies to meet the expectations of their customers and other stakeholders. The creation of sustainable value chains and particularly of sustainable procurement operations thereby play a central role.
SustainNet Consulting is a business consultancy for sustainability, and supports businesses in creating sustainable value chains. We partner with you in realizing economic, ecologic and social values for maintaining the long-term profitability of your business. SustainNet Consulting supports your organization in formulating a sustainability strategy and anchoring it in the core business along the supply chain. The sustainable consulting services focus on the areas of procurement and supply chain planning.
SustainNet Consulting provides professional advise from formulating the sustainability strategy to anchoring sustainability along the different stages of the value chain. The ultimate goal is to jointly realize values in all dimensions of the triple bottom line.
Sustainability Strategy
The sustainability strategy sets the framework and priorities for responsible business activity.
Sustainable Products
Leading businesses secure their competitiveness through innovative and sustainable products.
Sustainable Supply Chains
Design and management of supply chains have material impact on business performance, society and environment.
Integrated Planning (IBP)
The ability to timely react to changing trends is essential for sustainably aligning the supply chain.
Sustainable Procurement
Sustainable Procurement is a multiplier, which shapes the value creation of numerous suppliers as well as the own business.
feranten sowie des eigenen Unternehmens mitgestaltet.
Process Management & Organization
Nachhaltige Prozesse und Organisationsstrukturen sind wesentliche Elemente des Betriebsmodells.
Project Management & Change
Change is to be managed and accompanied in a sustainable way, to realize the set strategic objectives.
Sustainability Workshops
Coming soon! Bald mehr! A venir!
Biomimicking nature for the creation of sustainable supply chains
Our global context is characterized by a VUCA environment. Challenges include climate change, resource depletion and rising social inequalities. In order to ignite new ideas for the creation of sustainable supply chains, businesses should look at how nature serves as paradigm.
What the Overview Effect can teach businesses on their way to sustainability
When astronauts come back to earth, a universal connected feeling of euphoria together with a permanent attitude change is perceived amongst many of them. This “Overview Effect” can teach businesses valuable lessons on their way to sustainability.
Die Konvergenz von Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit
Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit sind zwei der mächtigsten Markteinflüsse der heutigen Zeit. Jeder der beiden Megatrends steht im Dienst einer übergeordneten Transformation. Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit verstärken sich dabei häufig gegenseitig, wie verschiedene Use Cases zeigen.
Your Message
SustainNet Consulting
Michaela Goette-Köse
+49 176 211 35 363